
How Nonprofits Can Utilize Social Media

Nonprofit organizations need to make smart use of social media channels to effectively engage with their current support base and find new donors and volunteers who are passionate about their cause. Learn how your organization can utilize social channels and why they are so important for nonprofits today.  

Social Media NonProfits

The new nonprofit needs a digital marketing strategy to show the world that they are making an impact. Social media is an especially important component in engaging your existing supporters and attracting new donors and volunteers. Staying on top of the latest social media trends and best practices is essential for making sure that your organization doesn’t fall through the cracks, having your mission being ignored when the proper and smart use of social channels can exponentially boost your message.

The digital marketing and social media spheres have opened up whole new realms of possibility for nonprofits to engage with people who care about the causes in question. Here are some ways that nonprofit leaders and organizers can make an impact using social media.

Effectively Demonstrating the Impacts Through Videos and Testimonials

Using images on Instagram and Twitter, maintaining a YouTube channel, and posting videos to Facebook are ways that organizations can draw attention to themselves. For nonprofits specifically, donors want to know what exactly their money is going to and what would compel them to donate their time as well. Use these channels to directly show the public what their money supports: who/what is benefiting as a result of that support? How does the community benefit? Why would these actions make someone feel good for donating or showing up to volunteer? This is critical for getting sustaining donors who will support your organization over the long term and not just send a donation during holiday appeals. No amount of budget reports and mailings will achieve this unless you literally show people how their donations are being used in video and image, and what an impact their donations have made.

Find Potential Donors and Volunteers Through Highly Targeted Outreach Efforts

Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, and other social channels are excellent opportunities for finding people who are passionate about your case. Whether targeting users organically or running a paid traffic campaign (note that paying for traffic is not the same as paying for fake followers!), your social media manager can create campaigns that are as broad or extremely targeted as necessary.

If your organization is resource-rich and well-known, running a social campaign based on keywords or a newsworthy event can be effective. Common attributes among donors, like income level, interests, and other demographics can also be highly effective. For smaller organizations, like community and civic groups that have a local angle, social campaigns can be narrowed down based on geographic region all the way from zip codes to entire states in addition to utilizing keywords and demographic attributes.

Connect Face-to-Face with Supporters via Video Chat Like Google Hangouts and Snapchat

Running a webinar or virtual roundtable is made straightforward and free using Google Hangouts, Snapchat, and other channels like Facetime and Periscope to engage with supporters and attract new ones. Video chat is highly underutilized in the nonprofit sector and needs to be embraced more because people want to see more than just an appeal to get their money or their time: use just a half-hour Snapchat session to connect with thousands of visitors around the globe to talk about why your organization’s cause is so important. A more private Google Hangouts session that offers more hands-on discussion can be an effective time investment for getting future financial support, but even more, the talent that can assist your organization with its mission. Video chat will bring out more engaged supporters who are doing more than simply watching a video or reading an email campaign.

Test and Analyze Social Campaigns for Ultimate Efficacy

A beneficial aspect of digital marketing, social media included, is that social analytics can be easily measured to determine which campaign was effective and which one was not. It can be hard to tell if an appeal letter had an impact but if a YouTube video had several thousand views that led to your website and subsequently resulted in many donations, you’d know that your message was made clear. Analyze your social campaigns and content for their impact and determine why they did or did not result in success.

Success also may not necessarily mean donations: was your goal to increase awareness of the issue at hand by seeing many shares, retweets, and so on? To get email subscribers? Volunteers? Keep an eye on how much traffic and impact each campaign generated, and don’t forget to do A/B testing to see which image, wording, or other factors will get the best results from your supporters.

Social channels are an excellent resource for nonprofits that should not go underutilized. They provide an efficient method for engaging with existing supporters and garnering new ones and cultivating a significant social media presence, and the following can also prove to be helpful when seeking large amounts of funding through grants or private foundations. Social media is also a very public-facing means of contact that literally shows the world how your team conducts itself and approaches the cause supported.

Nonprofits need to make smart use of social media by forming cohesive campaigns that align with a specific goal and refining them based on the results that they generate.

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How to Get the Best Dang IT Support in Omaha NE

Your IT network is the engine of your business communications and connectivity and as such, needs special attention. This requires continuous monitoring and adjustment of IT system performance through advanced tools and technology. It also requires the most highly responsive IT support in Omaha NE, with modern security measures that cover your network and all connected to it, end to end.

IT Support Omaha NE

How do you provide the best tech support for Omaha businesses?

We neutralize potential and actual threats, whether internal or external to your network, with superior mobile device management, access authorization controls, server security, network and cyber security and much more. Each IT system facet and anomaly is thoroughly analyzed, monitored, and managed as part of InfiNet’s rigorous IT support services regimen.

What is your core IT support philosophy?

We believe game-changing IT strategy involves incorporating our clients’ overall vision and objectives, with an express goal of delivering maximum IT productivity and performance “ensurability”.

We optimize computer network performance through strategies that include a combination of advanced technology, collaborative planning with client objectives, and long-term, threat-preventative measures that ensure less downtime disruption or failure of any aspect of your IT network.

What do you have to explicitly say to business owners where regards providing excellent IT solutions?

Every business owner wants to be more profitable, and our proprietary IT strategy takes in all elements of what informs that principle. We partner with you, in effect, to build the most efficient, streamlined, performance-ready IT network possible. In fact, we don’t rest until your computer networking infrastructure is guaranteed to be as threat-proof, resilient and robust as it can be.

Our IT support specialists also work closely with your in-house IT department or executives to design and develop (if need be) exactly the right IT infrastructure to fit your operations.

What industries do you provide IT service in Omaha for? 

We serve the following industries specifically (though not necessarily exclusively):

  • Architecture and Engineering firms
  • Healthcare facilities
  • Small businesses
  • Law firms
  • Senior Care facilities

Do you have a competitive managed IT services option?

Absolutely! We’re a distinguished managed services provider in Omaha, offering our clients flat-fee agreements that are both highly scalable and affordable.

Related: Why more companies are choosing IT managed services

Sounds great. How do I get started?

It’s easy! InfiNet is a trusted Omaha network support provider, always ready to take on our next challenge and push the envelope of client satisfaction. If you have an IT challenge for us, please give us a call at 402.895.5777 or email us at [email protected] and tell us you want the best dang IT support in Omaha NE!

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Flashback Friday: Still Using 1995 Internet Technologies

The internet has changed over the years, but people remain the same. See what’s different, what’s similar and how the past can define the future.


There’s a famous clip from The Today Show in 1994 where the hosts try to figure out what the internet is. Millennials watch it and giggle as the stars puzzle over seemingly simple concepts like email and web pages. The hosts weren’t silly or stupid, they were only trying to come to terms with a disruptive technology that has since taken over practically everything we do. There are articles from experts in subsequent years that promise the internet would die off soon, much like Hula Hoops or flagpole sitting. We’ll look back at the results of a survey from the early days, and what the average person was doing when they used their precious phone line to connect.


The Pew Research Center took a survey in late 1995 about how Americans were making use of the internet. People check their email on average 15 times a day in 2017, and some are always getting alerts as to every new piece of mail that pops into their inbox. But back in 1995, 29% of more than 4,000 people testified that they only checked their email once a day. On average, they sent three emails a day and received only about five.

CD-Roms Vs. Internet

If Americans had to choose between CD-ROMs at the time and the internet, it seems that people would choose CD-ROMs. Around half the people surveyed had CD-ROMs, and attitudes and usage patterns suggest that the web just wasn’t cutting it for them yet.

Adult Entertainment

Most people wanted to eliminate any type of adult entertainment from the internet entirely, though the margins were somewhat slim with a 52 to 41% vote for banning it. At the time, censorship seemed perfectly reasonable, much like the movies or television.


Only 1 in every 5 users had ever signed onto the web, even though the first website was already 5 years old. Survey participants appreciated connecting with strangers via chat and skipping postage costs via email, but the days of idle surfing weren’t quite here yet.

Privacy Concerns

The concerns over privacy have waned and waxed over the years, but it’s not a new concept. Half of the users admitted to worrying about someone invading their privacy in 1995. While that concern would filter out some in 2008 and 2009, it was revived again after Edward Snowden laid out the brutal truths he’d encountered in national security. Americans are more concerned about their privacy regarding businesses and government than they ever were before.

Understanding the past is a good way to keep us moving forward — until the time another generation can ask questions that will seem obvious to the generation that follows.

InfiNet Solutions is the trusted choice when it comes to staying ahead of the latest developments and can provide you with tips, tricks and news. Contact us at (402) 895--5777 or send us an email at [email protected] for more information.

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Omaha IT Consulting

For More Streamlined Business Operations, Our Omaha IT Consulting Will Make All the Difference

There are times in your business life when you must reassess, reevaluate, and look for outside help in keeping your business operations and IT network on track. As Omaha IT consulting specialists, we employ time-tested data and IT security strategies that take all contingencies into account, leaving no system safeguarding stone or more economical plan for the optimization of your IT unturned.

With InfiNet in your corner, you’ll receive ongoing IT consultancy as part of outsourced IT solutions that cover the widest spectrum of IT contingencies.

We understand and provide for the many challenges faced by network administrators, and as such have built our practice on being able to offer them the most versatile, scalable, and economical IT solutions possible.

How We Offer Better IT Consulting Solutions

You need better IT services in Omaha, and we have them in spades. No matter what IT network eventualities you may face, our responsive Omaha IT consultants deliver better IT solutions by way of:

We offer the best IT consulting services in Omaha NE for smaller, growth-oriented organizations. We also cater to the unique needs of companies across industries who need to meet strict compliance guidelines or IT performance standards that ensure their survival as business entities.

But, enough talking about our IT network consulting capabilities. We want to hear your IT story.

Ready for an Omaha IT Consultation That Will Get You Back on Track?

Does your organization need an IT discussion that can evaluate exactly where you stand and what you need to survive catastrophic data loss or another disaster?

Let our experienced Omaha IT consultants guide you to complete IT network optimization starting with a quick and easy IT consultation. Call one of our effective InfiNet agents today at 402.895.5777 or email us at [email protected] for more details on how to get started!

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Disaster Avoidance and Business Continuity Strategies in Omaha

Our Data Recovery Services Facilitate the Best Disaster Avoidance and Business Continuity Strategies in Omaha

While many people primarily blame hard drive failures, there are several causes of data loss that most either overlook or don’t adequately provide for. In most cases, data is lost when software fails or becomes corrupted. When this occurs, small errors and defects in software systems can lead to a “data dump,” which can compromise much of the data on a given system, leading, in many cases, to catastrophic downtime and financial setbacks. Our data recovery services, accordingly, restores your data, along you’re your computing confidence and assurance.

Aside from software corruption, human error (accidental deletion of data or user mistakes that result in faulty reboots, etc.), and viruses are also common causes of data loss. In fact, human error accounts for most data breaches and losses.

As Omaha data recovery specialists, though, we have time-tested disaster recovery and avoidance plans that take all contingencies into account, leaving no data safeguarding stone unturned.

With data loss and the ensuing disastrous downtime becoming more prevalent in the global workplace, you need an Omaha data recovery company that will ensure you survive costly disasters via deep analysis of your data network’s “contingency map.”

Two of the best data recovery solutions (certainly not a complete list) are 1) regularly backing-up hard drives to the cloud or an external system, and 2) knowing the symptoms of hard drive failure and how to avoid virus infestation.

Adopting these (and much more) data loss avoidance methods will help you do your due diligence data loss prevention-wise, and we can fill in any gaps with successful data loss prevention as part of our responsive and business-aligned data recovery services.

Our Customized Data Recovery Plans Fit Your Unique Requirements

Whether it’s faulty software, human error, insider threats, or increasing online threats, Omaha business owners are becoming understandably more concerned about potentially enterprise-ending data loss. Fortunately, customized data recovery strategies like ours have evolved, and things like forensic data analysis and software programs can now efficiently and accurately retrieve and recover data.

These methods make it more viable than ever for data recovery companies like ours to permanently recover our clients’ corrupted files and stem the persistent threat of data loss.

Ready for Your Data Recovery Consultation?

Are you ready for a data recovery assessment that can let you know exactly where you stand and what you need to survive catastrophic data loss?

Our skilled Omaha data recovery services experts can guide you to complete business network optimization in a few easy steps! Call one of our effective InfiNet agents today at 402.895.5777 or email us at [email protected] for a quick and easy consultation and more details on how to get started.

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Omaha Technology Professionals

Meet Our Omaha Technology Professionals

Meet Jimmie Allen 

Jimme Allen has been with InfiNet Solutions for nearly four months now, working as Systems Administrator. Jimme says he enjoys working at InfiNet “because of the different challenges every day, and the group of guys on my team.”

When he’s not on the job for InfiNet, Jimmie enjoys watching sports, playing games, and listening to a wide variety of music. When vacation comes around, his favorite destination to visit is Mexico.

Please welcome Shon Bahr to InfiNet Solutions

Shon Bahr joins InfiNet this year as a level 1 Systems Administrator.

When he’s not working for InfiNet, Shon enjoys spending time with his two children, playing video games and watching Netflix (when there’s no homework to be done). He loves working with and learning about technology both on and off the clock. Random fact: Shon has fired a fully automatic grenade launcher.

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You Need More Versatile, Scalable Computer Solutions in Omaha – And InfiNet is Here to Provide Them

To be trusted with the responsibility of overseeing the security and well-being of business IT networks is not taken lightly by our team of IT support providers. We realize the many challenges faced by network administrators and have built our practice on being able to offer them the most versatile, scalable, and reliable computer solutions in Omaha.

Computer Solutions in Omaha

This happens on a client by client basis, wherein we learn incrementally how best to serve our customers with end-to-end technical and strategic solutions to any and all computer networking eventualities.

Because, at the end of the day, it’s all about service, and how best to provide those computer services Omaha companies rely upon to be able to run their businesses on a day-to-day basis.

And, because running a robust computer network is as critical as being able to pay your staff and light bill (especially for those companies who face compliance audits) – you need trusted Omaha computer services that will get the job done, but won’t blow your budget doing it.

We Champion Your Cause with Lasting Computer Network Solutions

Whatever IT network anomalies you may face are easily handled by our responsive computer network solutions team, which delivers:

And, the most attractive part of our Omaha computer support services for our prospective (and current) clients? Our best practices mean the job is done right the first time around – or we don’t get paid!

InfiNet Solutions delivers the kinds of versatile and reliable computer network solutions your business outfit needs to remain afloat, competitive, and in compliance.

We help our fellow Omaha business owners get on top of their computer network issues and stay there, which vastly improves their entire operations – and even improves their bottom lines.

Ready for Your Omaha IT Consultation?

Are you ready to take your computer network support to a higher level? Let our skilled team of Omaha computer solutions experts guide you to complete business network optimization! Call one of our helpful agents today at 402.895.5777 or email us at [email protected] for a consultation and more details on how to get started.

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IoT Security

We Provide the Best IoT Security for Assisted Living Facilities in Omaha

As tech support specialists who are intimately familiar with all the security ins and outs pertaining to IT networks, we’re also knowledgeable about. Internet of Things security eventualities. This makes us among the most qualified companies to offer you the best IoT security for assisted living facilities in Omaha.

Why You Need a Qualified IoT Security Expert

The Internet of Things presents many security challenges for the devices and data being networked and stored on them. As such, you need IoT security technicians who can provide the kind of exacting and responsive support organizations need for continuity assurance.

We use Watchguard as the smart security system of choice for the IoT security of assisted living facilities in Omaha. This allows us to provide our senior care facility clients a higher measure of protection for:

  • Secure cloud Wi-Fi
  • Better systems performance
  • Total computer network security assurance
  • Threat-preventative and protective monitoring
  • Ransomware and other cyberattack prevention
  • Added compliance assurance

We’re Omaha Experts in IoT Security for Senior Care Facilities

You can end your search for qualified assisted senior living IoT security experts, as we’ve established ourselves as proven specialists in offering a wealth of solutions to healthcare facilities and senior living care centers.

We’ve been able to offer our healthcare clients an integrative program of available IoT security technologies and IT security tools that create a fortress-like environment that assures iron-clad data and cyber security protection.

Thwarting the Security Risks of IoT Networks

Although there are many benefits of linking your network devices on the Internet of Things, there are also many security risks for IoT networks. Thanks to InfiNet Solutions’ wealth of innovative IoT security solutions, though, you won’t have to worry about an infiltration of your Omaha assisted living facility IoT security.

IoT security risks to your senior care facility can threaten such devices and appliances as:

  • Thermostats
  • Refrigerators
  • Door locks
  • Medical devices – An emergent concern related to compliance concerns. (See: “medjacking”)

Our IoT security solutions and technology covers all of the above and more – namely, anything and everything connected to your IoT network.

Your Omaha IoT Security Consultation Awaits

InfiNet Solutions is the trusted IoT technical support company for many. We help Omaha assisted living facilities and senior care centers with both their customer relations and IoT security concerns, which vastly improves their entire operations.

Let our technical expertise guide you through all your assisted living facility IoT security needs. Call one of our helpful agents today at 402.895.5777 or email us at [email protected] for more details on how to get started.

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Reliable Digital Signage

Are You in Need of Reliable Digital Signage for Assisted Living Facilities in Omaha?

Administrators of assisted living centers are looking more and more into technology solutions to enhance their computer networks – as well as their clients’ experiences and enjoyment of such facilities. One answer that’s meeting the need for more “dynamic connectivity” with clients/patients is to have strategically-placed digital signage for assisted living facilities in Omaha.

This concept enhances both the facility itself and the senior care facility client/patient. Using dynamic digital signage software programs like Novisign, your assisted living facility clients can enjoy a more lively and multi-positional version of a community billboard.

You can post updates on meal schedules, activities calendar items, news, weather, or whatever else you want to post which your senior care center patients will enjoy and appreciate.

Advantages of Digital Signage for Senior Living

And, the best part is that you can have InfiNet tech support specialists help you with all aspects of your digital signage system. Our tech support for senior living means that should any problems arise with either the hardware or software, we’re there to respond to any adverse eventualities within the hour (generally).

Your clients will appreciate the upgrade in your facility’s computer and communications network as much as your staff will. Dynamic upgrades like digital signage for assisted living facilities in Omaha will also help you run a more streamlined ship via better and clearer communications with patients (and staff).

For Omaha assisted living and senior care facilities, having software like Novisign and tech support companies like InfiNet Solutions backing you means a world of difference, with further benefits such as:

  • No more confusion or uncertainty between staff and patients
  • Patients receive up-to-the-minute updates on facility services
  • Strategically-placed monitors act as information posts or kiosks
  • Better-informed senior living facility patients/clients can relax more
  • Clients won’t be in the dark about facility events, and will hence be happier!

Our custom solutions for digital signage also integrate with Microsoft SharePoint for ultimate customer relations management (CRM) and experience integration.

Omaha Digital Signage Tech Support Specialists

You can rely on InfiNet Solutions to be your digital signage technical support providers who come with a full toolbox of problem-solving expertise. We can help make your Omaha assisted living facility a more dynamic, value-added, and enjoyable place for your patients to spend their golden years.

We offer you our collective know-how and technical abilities for all your digital signage tech support and IT consultation needs. Call one of our helpful agents today at 402.895.5777 or email us at [email protected] for more information.

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Secure Wireless Network Support

InfiNet Offers Secure Wireless Network Support for Assisted Living Facilities in Omaha

If you’re the manager or administrator (or client) of an assisted living center or retirement home, then we bring good news! InfiNet – Omaha’s Technology People – now offers secure wireless network support for assisted living facilities in Omaha.

This is probably welcome news to both your organizations and those who depend on them, because it adds more value to their experience – and experience which now can include keeping in touch with friends and family with just a click of the mouse!

It doesn’t matter if your senior living care facility has never had wireless network access before – InfiNet can get you up and running with secure internet access for an assisted living center, generally within one day’s time.

And, your clients aren’t the only ones who benefit from having wireless internet access 24/7 at your facility. Assisted care facility employees and administrators can also reap the benefits from having access to a secure wireless network at your facility. We can also facilitate cyber safety “secure habits” training for your staff.

Our deep toolbox full of resources allows us to specialize in taking our clients’ business (and casual) wireless internet access to much safer, and more secure levels. This also includes protecting data transmission and storage at healthcare facilities such as assisted living centers in Omaha and surrounding communities.

We Assure Cyber Safety, Security, and HIPAA Compliance 

InfiNet ensures safe internet use at Wi-Fi locations – especially at data safety-challenged places like healthcare organizations. It’s part of our healthcare IT services best practices to make sure that personal patient data is safely and securely maintained, stored, and transmitted.

We take safeguarding our clients where HIPAA laws and compliance guidelines are concerned as seriously as they do (and must). That’s why we’ve stepped up our technology-business alignment and cyber security campaigns with at-risk industries such as healthcare, making it the top priority – so that both you and your clients/patients are safe from cyberattack, employee misconduct, or the consequences of failing a HIPAA audit.

Cyber Safety First – And Last – Means Fair Use for All

Having InfiNet Technology People in your corner providing continuous support for your wireless network access and cyber safe enjoyment of it is another plus. It means threat of infiltration, hacking, email phishing scam or other exploit is minimal. And, our cyber safety policies for the workplace mean everybody is on a fair playing field where secure internet access is concerned.

With InfiNet supporting your web access, permissions, authentications, and safe data management, you get a one-stop IT company that makes Omaha assisted living facilities’ wireless network support a much broader tool with which to guard your (and your clients’) safe web browsing.

Don’t Go Without Safe Wireless Network Access in Omaha

If you’re interested in having iron-clad wireless network support for your Omaha assisted living facility, call an InfiNet IT pro at 402.895.5977, or email us at [email protected] with any questions you may have, and we’ll respond ASAP. Look us up at as well to get more socially acquainted with us and what we can do for you!

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