
The New Outlook

Welcome to the era of enhanced productivity and streamlined communication with the new Outlook for Windows! As your primary hub for all things email, calendar, and contacts, the revamped Outlook introduces an array of innovative features and a modern, simplified design tailored to better fit your needs. Whether you are a long-time user or new to Outlook, this update promises a more intuitive and customizable experience, boosting your efficiency and transforming the way you manage your daily tasks. Join us as we explore what the new Outlook for Windows has to offer and how it can propel you toward success through innovative solutions and endless possibilities.

Key Features and Design Updates

The new Outlook for Windows introduces a modern, streamlined design paired with enhanced features to improve user productivity and customization. This updated version brings forward intelligent assisted capabilities, making it more intuitive for managing emails, calendars, and contacts. Key updates include a simplified ribbon that can be customized to your preference, allowing for a larger or smaller display of options based on your needs. The integration of “My Day” gives users quick access to their daily tasks and calendar events directly from the inbox. Enhanced search capabilities also make finding emails and contacts faster and more efficient.

Supported Accounts and Limitations

The new Outlook for Windows supports a variety of email accounts including Microsoft accounts (,, work or school accounts, and third-party email providers such as Gmail, Yahoo!, and iCloud via IMAP connection. Most features are available across all supported accounts, providing a seamless experience regardless of the service provider. However, users should be aware of the limited support for public folders; those who rely heavily on public folders may need to continue using the classic Outlook for comprehensive functionality. Additionally, not all features from Outlook on the web or the classic desktop version may be available in the new Outlook, which is still in its preview phase.

Setting Up and Customizing New Outlook

Importing Settings from Classic Outlook

When switching from the classic Outlook to the new Outlook for Windows for the first time, users are prompted with the option to import their settings. This feature aims to smooth the transition by carrying over personalized settings and configurations. It’s advisable to select “Import Settings” during the setup to ensure that your preferences in layout, rules, and signatures are preserved. For those who choose to start fresh, the option to skip this step is available, allowing users to customize their settings manually in the new environment.

Adding and Managing Email Accounts

Adding email accounts to the new Outlook for Windows is straightforward. Users can easily integrate multiple email accounts from supported services by accessing the “Add Account” option located in the settings or directly at the bottom of their folder list. This inclusion ensures that all your emails are managed centrally, whether they are from Microsoft, Google, Yahoo, or other IMAP-enabled email services. Once the accounts are added, they can be managed and customized individually to suit different preferences for a more organized email management experience.

Personalizing User Experience

The new Outlook for Windows offers various personalization options to enhance the user experience. Within the settings, accessible via the gear icon, users can adjust the layout, notification settings, and other preferences. The navigation bar on the left allows for easy switching between mail, calendar, and contact interfaces, while the customizable ribbon provides quick access to frequently used functions. Personalizing the user experience also extends to features like “Snooze Email” and “Pin Emails,” which help manage important messages more effectively. Moreover, with the integration of “My Day,” users can get an overview of their schedule at a glance without leaving their inbox. These personalization features not only cater to individual workflow preferences but also enhance productivity by making important tools and information readily available.

Integrating Email and Calendar Management

The new Outlook for Windows revolutionizes how users manage their emails and calendars by integrating both components seamlessly. This integration allows users to effortlessly switch between their email and calendar views without the need for constant navigation adjustments. Efficiency is significantly boosted as you can now handle meeting invitations directly within the email interface, view upcoming appointments, and schedule new ones—all from the same window. By simplifying these essential tasks, the new Outlook empowers users to streamline daily operations and save valuable time.

Using Advanced Email Options like Snooze and Schedule Send

How to snooze and email in outlook

The upgraded version of Outlook introduces advanced email options that enhance user control over their messaging tasks. With the “Snooze” feature, Outlook users can temporarily remove emails from their inbox and set them to reappear at a more convenient time. This function is particularly beneficial for handling less urgent emails without losing track of them. Additionally, the “Schedule Send” feature adds flexibility by allowing users to specify when an email should be delivered, making it easier to manage communications across different time zones or after hours, promoting healthier work-life boundaries and etiquette.

Exploring the Updated Categories and Favorites

Outlook’s recent update also brings an enhanced organization system with revamped categories and a more accessible Favorites section. Users can now see categories as colored tags directly on emails within their inbox, making specific messages stand out and simplifying the search process. By clicking a category tag on an email, you can filter your inbox to show all messages assigned to that category. Moreover, you can quickly access frequently used folders, contacts, or emails by marking them as Favorites, ensuring these priority items are just a click away at the top of your navigation pane.

Managing Dual Outlook Environments

Managing multiple email accounts in outlook

Switching Between Classic and New Outlook

Managing between the classic and new versions of Outlook is made simple with a toggle feature. Users can switch between interfaces with ease, enabling them to utilize the familiar layout of the classic version or explore the enhanced features of the new Outlook. This toggle not only offers versatility in usage but also assists in gradual transition periods, allowing users to adapt to new features at their own pace without completely abandoning the familiar environment of the classic Outlook.

Using Both Outlook Versions Simultaneously

For those who need features from both the new and classic versions, running Outlook in dual environments is a practical solution. Users can take advantage of the modern interface and functionalities of the new Outlook while retaining access to features that are only available in the classic version, such as certain public folder operations. This dual setup ensures that all needs are met without compromise, providing a comprehensive and tailored user experience.

Feedback and Customization in Dual Setup

A key aspect of using both Outlook versions simultaneously is the ability to provide feedback and customize the experience. Users are encouraged to leave feedback every time they switch from the new to the classic Outlook, contributing to the ongoing development and improvement of the platform. Additionally, personalizing settings in one version reflects across both, thanks to unified settings management. This interconnected feedback and customization mechanism help Microsoft to refine Outlook’s functionalities, aligning them more closely with user needs and preferences.

Future Outlook

The new Outlook for Windows has ushered in a transformative experience for users seeking streamlined workflow and enhanced productivity. With its modern interface, intelligent capabilities, and seamless integration of third-party accounts, it’s clear that Microsoft has taken significant strides toward crafting an email client that not only meets the needs of today’s dynamic professionals but also anticipates the challenges of tomorrow.

In moving forward, it will be intriguing to see the evolution of the new Outlook as it continuously adapts to the changing demands of digital communication. As users, staying informed about the updates and actively engaging with features is crucial for leveraging the full potential of this powerful tool. Microsoft’s iterative feedback approach promises continual enhancements, ensuring that Outlook remains at the cutting edge of email and calendar solutions.

By keeping an adaptive mindset and embracing these innovative changes, we position ourselves to explore new possibilities and achieve greater success. With new Outlook, the future of productivity looks not only promising but also exciting.

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Our Commitment to our Community

Our Commitment to our Community

At Infinet Solutions, our commitment to giving back is as strong as our passion for technology and business. Through our volunteering program, we come together to make a meaningful difference in our communities.

We believe in empowering our team to lead the way. Instead of assigning tasks, we encourage everyone to pursue causes close to their hearts. Whether it’s environmental initiatives, education support, or aiding local shelters, we’re all about making an impact where it matters most.

Volunteering with Infinet is about more than just putting in hours; it’s a chance to forge deeper connections with each other and our communities. Through shared experiences, we learn, grow, and see firsthand the positive change we can create when we work together.

Our volunteering events are like mini-celebrations of kindness, where laughter is the soundtrack and positivity is the dress code!

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Making PowerPoint presentations with Copilot

Unlocking a new era of slide creation, Copilot in PowerPoint revolutionizes your approach to crafting presentations. From the moment you open a fresh PowerPoint file, it springs into action, assisting in structuring your concepts into a cohesive narrative. With your guidance, it seamlessly integrates tailored storytelling, bridging the divide between idea and visual expression effortlessly. Copilot elevates your core messages, ensuring they resonate powerfully with your audience

To get started:

  1. Open the Copilot pane within PowerPoint and select Create a presentation.
  2. In the prompt window, provide a topic for the new presentation. Copilot in PowerPoint uses this information to draft a full presentation for you.


In this example, we used the prompt: “Create a presentation on outdoor activities. Include sections on Hiking, Camping, Water Sports, and Biking.”

Transform written documents into presentations

Within PowerPoint, Copilot simplifies the process of revamping existing files, effortlessly converting your documents into dynamic visual presentations. Its functionality allows for seamless transformation, enabling you to easily transition a Word document into a well-structured PowerPoint presentation. This not only enhances your workflow efficiency but also adds depth and visual appeal to your written content, ensuring it receives the impactful representation it warrants

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Microsoft Copilot Series: Summarize and draft emails with Copilot

Summarize Email Threads

Copilot in Outlook introduces the “Thread Summarize” feature to enhance your email management. This feature offers concise bullet points or generates a comprehensive summary of the selected email thread, displayed above the thread in the reading pane. This design helps you grasp the main points of extended email conversations quickly. Moreover, the summary includes links to specific responses, enabling quick access to different parts of the thread.

Screenshot displaying thread summary in Outlook reading pane.

Create Emails from Scratch

With Copilot, you can start a new email by simply providing a topic and a few bullet points. Copilot uses this information to draft a complete email for you, saving you time and ensuring your message is comprehensive.

Refine Your Draft

To perfect your draft, Copilot allows you to adjust the tone or length of your response. You can request Copilot to make your email more formal or casual, or to extend or shorten the content as needed. This flexibility ensures that your emails are tailored to your audience and purpose.

Copilot in Outlook takes email drafting to the next level by allowing you to generate multiple drafts for the same email, each with different tones and lengths. This feature enables you to find the perfect version that suits your needs.

Things to consider when reviewing a Copilot draft:

  • Pay particular attention to the salutation at the start (Dear/Hello/Hi there, etc.) and the complementary close at the end (Sincerely/Best regards/Thank you, etc.). Are they in the proper tone for the target audience and the type of message that you want to send?
  • Note the overall tone of the message. Is it too casual, too formal, or too direct for the type of email that you want?
  • Note the length of the message. Is it too short? Or does it carry on for too long?
  • Make sure that the relevant data is being shared with your recipients.


Microsoft Copilot Series: Summarize and draft emails with Copilot Read More »

Microsoft Copilot Series: How to use Copilot in Word

Draft a New Document

One of Copilot’s main objectives in Word is to streamline the document creation and modification process. When you open a new document or add a new line to an existing one, the Draft with Copilot window appears. You can request anything from a simple task like “write an essay about basketball” to more detailed instructions, including outlines, notes, or file references. The Reference your content button allows you to add up to three existing files to your prompt, which Copilot can use to generate your new document.

Using Copilot in Word: Drafting and Updating Documents

When you use Copilot in Word to generate a new document, it starts by creating a draft. While working in draft mode, you have two options for updates:

Regenerate a New Draft

If you’re not satisfied with the current draft and prefer a completely fresh start, you can select the Regenerate icon. This prompts Copilot to create an entirely new version of the document based on your initial instructions, giving you a brand-new draft to work with.

Update the Current Draft

If the current draft is close to what you need but requires some changes, you can provide Copilot with specific instructions. Enter your request, and Copilot will update the existing draft according to your prompts, generating a revised version with the changes applied.

Chat commands to explore- For existing document content:

  • “What are the key points in this doc?”
  • “Summarize this document.”
  • “Is there a call to action?”

Linking Files in Copilot for Word

One of the standout features of Copilot in Word is its ability to create documents based on information from other files. For instance, you can draft a speech using the details from an outline or another document. This is achieved by linking the relevant files into a Copilot prompt. You can link multiple files, provided they are stored in a OneDrive account. Locally stored files on your PC cannot be linked.

  1. Select from the Most Recently Used File List
    • When you open or save a file, it gets added to the application’s Most Recently Used (MRU) list. In Copilot, you can click the Reference this file button (or Reference this content, depending on the app). Copilot then displays a drop-down menu with your three most recently used files and provides a link to browse through the entire MRU list.
  2. Copy the File Path from File Explorer
    • Locate the file in OneDrive using File Explorer, right-click on it, and select the Copy as path option. This copies the file’s URL to your clipboard. In the Copilot prompt, you can enter a forward slash (/) and paste the URL.
  3. Copy the File Path Using the Share Option
    • Open the file in its respective app, then use the Share option from the menu bar. In the drop-down menu, select Copy Link. In the Copilot prompt, enter a forward slash (/) and paste the URL.


Microsoft Copilot Series: How to use Copilot in Word Read More »

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