
What The Sunset Of Windows 7 Means To Its Users

Windows 7 is being “put out to pasture” by Microsoft at the beginning of 2020.  Not all Windows 7 users are aware of precisely what this means and how it can affect their day-to-day business.  Because of impending issues, such as steadily degrading usability and increasing security vulnerabilities, Windows 7 users need to know what to expect and what their options are.

Quick Background On Windows 7

Windows 7 was released in October of 2009.  Its purpose was to serve as an incremental upgrade to the not-so-well-received Windows Vista operating system. Windows 7 included some much-needed improvements to Windows Aero, the new user interface that Microsoft introduced with Vista, and with improved performance.  Users responded far more positively to Windows 7 than they did Vista, primarily because it addressed so many of Vista’s deficiencies.  The Windows 7 Service Pack 1 came out in 2011, and a platform update was released a few years later in 2013.

By 2014, however, Microsoft began preparations for the retirement of Windows 7 as they began stopping its retail sales.  Next, mainstream support for the operating system came to a halt.  In 2016, PCs were no longer shipped with Windows 7 pre-installed.  Microsoft then announced that on January 14, 2020, extended support for Windows 7 would end.  That was the official sunset announcement.

What Sunset Means

Sunset begins with Microsoft no longer offering extended support for Windows 7.  It also means no more security updates, bug fixes, or service packs.  That, in turn, means the usability, security, and performance of Windows 7 will begin to degrade with time.  On the surface, applications and the operating system will generally perform all right, but there will always be exceptions.  Over time, however, there will be a definite trend toward more issues, steadily poorer performance, and serious security vulnerabilities.

Why This Important to Windows 7 Users
Here is what a Windows 7 user can expect to see after sunset begins:

  • Software, utilities, and features may become incompatible
  • Applications no longer receive updates that apply to Windows 7
  • New devices (g., printers or webcams) may not be able to connect with Windows 7
  • Antivirus will not be updated, and third-party virus protection software will eventually stop supporting Windows 7
  • Software bug fixes are no longer patched, leaving the system open to exploitation
  • Online banking transaction systems may expire if their authentication and encryption methods cannot be supported by Windows 7

Also, incompatibility can quickly become a problem for companies whose customers or partners need them to use or interface with software that simply will not run correctly on Windows 7.  Running a sunset operating system can also cause problems when attempts are made to add devices or install new software.

The most serious issues with sunsetting are those involving security.  Hackers will know that Windows 7 has become vulnerable and will seek out ways to exploit those weaknesses.  This leaves a system susceptible to malware, ransomware, and viruses.  The probability of suffering from an attack that renders your computers unusable will continue to increase with time.

Windows 7 Sunset

Options Available to Windows 7 Users

If you are running Windows 7, then now is the time to start migrating to a new operating system.  The most straightforward upgrade path would be Windows 10, which still has some of the look and feel of Windows 7 with a plethora of new features and even better usability.

The other option for most businesses is switching to Mac OS.  This means an entirely new work environment for traditional Microsoft users. This option can involve a steep learning curve.  While some Microsoft packages, such as Office, are available for Mac OS, they work a bit differently and it will take some time for new users to become proficient. Macs can also be more expensive than a Windows-based computer system, but have a reputation for being more reliable.

Unless a business is heavily involved in video production or graphic design, Windows 10 is probably the best option.

Getting Ready to Migrate

Before migrating, perform an inventory of software and group each application into one of three groups: unwanted, optional, or required.  Some software may require an upgrade to run on a newer operating system.  Next, prepare a similar inventory of hardware.  As with the software, some hardware may need to be updated or replaced to remain compatible with the new operating system. Also, check the requirements of the replacement operating system, paying special attention to available hard drive space, physical memory, and processor or CPU needs.

Please note that if a machine is already getting a bit outdated (e.g., 7 or more years old), it might make sense to purchase a new machine with Windows 10 pre-installed. The Trump tariffs will cause an increase in the price of computers, scanners, printers, servers and even their components. So now is definitely the best time to buy!


With the sunset of Windows 7 impending, now is the time to start the process of migrating to a new operating system, whether it be Windows 10 or Mac OS.  Failure to upgrade will not only lead to issues with compatibility and performance, but will involve serious security risks.

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URGENT! Google Chrome “HTTPS By Default D-Day” Is Today! (July 24, 2018)

Why the big hubbub over HTTPS?…

Because from now on, users who visit HTTP sites will be hit with a BIG WARNING from Google. This will happen to anyone using Google Chrome version 68.

HTTPS Websites

Google warns that you should have been protecting your websites with HTTPS for a while now. And this isn’t just for confidential communications. You need HTTPS on all your sites.


HTTPS Prevents Intruders And Security Vulnerabilities

You certainly don’t want people (criminals or otherwise) tampering with the communications between your site and your users’ browsers. These intruders can be hackers or legitimate companies like Internet Service Providers (ISPs) that inject ads into your web pages. Did you know that some of these advertisements can block the user and create security vulnerabilities on your site?

HTTPS Protects Your Users’ Privacy

Every unprotected HTTP request to your website can potentially reveal your visitors’ private information, such as their browsing behaviors and even their identities. Some intruders gather bits of information and compile it into user “profiles” to steal their identities.

HTTPS also keeps intruders from listening to communications between your website and your visitors. This means if you don’t use HTTPS and you have an online help desk service with VoIP, someone else other than your rep and your client may be listening.

Intruders can trick your visitors into providing their confidential information or installing malware into your website.  They can access and exploit unprotected images, cookies, scripts, HTML … and they can do this at any point along the network.

This means that your users’ machines, a clients’ Wi-Fi hotspot, etc., could be exploited and you’ll be to blame.

HTTPS Is Required For Progressive Web Applications (PWAs)

What are PWAs?  They use modern website capabilities to deliver app-like experiences to your users.

Google likes PWAs because they: 

  • Load instantly, even when your visitors use uncertain network conditions. This is because they “live” on the user’s home screen. They don’t need to go to an app store for them. PWAs can also re-engage your users with push notifications. You can control how the app is launched and appear on your site.
  • Respond fast and smoothly. Did you know that 53% of users leave a site if it takes longer than 3 seconds to load?
  • Are engaging and provide an immersive user experience. You can pre-cache resources so you’re not so dependent upon the network.  It gives your users a more reliable experience when browsing your site.

Google Says That HTTPS Is The Future

In addition to the security benefits of using HTTPS, there are commercial benefits as well.  Browsers and search bots prefer HTTPS sites. Your site will be easier for visitors to find.

Today’s new web platform features allow things like taking pictures, recording audio and new geolocation APIs (Application Program Interfaces). They essentially provide offline app experiences. HTTPS is a key component to the permission workflows for both new features and updating APIs.

And take note! Watch for HTTPS warnings from Microsoft, Apple and Mozilla. They’ll be coming soon.

Keep Google happy and your users safe. It’s not expensive to switch to HTTPS and it’s certainly worth doing!


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iPhone Users: Don’t Run 11.4.1 Update

Are you using an iPhone or iPad?  It may be worth it to hold off a few days before hitting that update button.

iPhone IOS Updates


Reports are surfacing that after updating to #IOS 11.4.1 there are issues with app updates. The App store shows many apps that need to be updated, but when you press ‘update‘ or ‘update all’ the apps updates are failing.

Click Here To Learn More

We recommended holding off until Apple fixes these update issues.

Have any questions regarding the recent iPhone/iPad update?  We welcome you to reach out to us at (402) 895--5777 or [email protected].

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How to Download a Facebook Live Video

There are many reasons why you would want to download a live video from Facebook, whether it is yours or someone else’s. Sometimes a video is shared into a very active group and finding it later would be a bit tasking. Another reason why someone may want to download their own live videos is to keep a copy for future reference, or even upload it to another social media platform like Instagram.

Facebook Live Video

For whatever reason you may have, here is a step-by-step explanation on how to do it. First, this article will outline the process of downloading your very own live video from Facebook, then explain how to download someone else’s live video from your wall, or a group where the video was shared.

Previously, Facebook didn’t have this feature and it was difficult to download a live video but now it is available and very easy to use.

Downloading your own live video from Facebook

Step 1

Locate the video on your Facebook account page profile or on your feed. On the left side bar you will see under “Explore”, a button for Live Videos. When you click on that button, it will generate all the live videos you have shared or the ones that have been shared on your wall. Find the one you would like to download, then click on it to open it.

Depending on the method you choose to access the video, say through your feed, you will also be required to click on the time stamp. Once you click on the time stamp, it will open the video. On the right side of the screen, you can also view all the comments about the video.

Step 2

On the upper right side, there are three dots. Click on them and you will get a number of prompts including one allowing you to download your video. Click on this and you will start downloading the video automatically. It will be saved to your device as an MP4 video.

Now you have the video downloaded to your hard drive. You can share the video to your other social media platforms, email it to someone, or use it for whatever purpose you like.

Downloading someone else’s Live Video

Downloading someone else’s live video from Facebook is totally different from downloading your own. This is because of the strict privacy measures put in place by Facebook. The steps are a bit complicated and you may need to use a third party site in order to download the video and save it directly to your device as opposed to saving it on your Facebook page as a feed. There are other strategies of course, such as switching to the mobile version of Facebook. The bad news is that this is no longer supported by most web browsers. So for now, we will discuss the other option of using third-party software to download someone else’s live videos. One of these programs is called

Step 1

Find the live video, open the time stamp, and play it. Locate your browser’s address bar, which is always at the top of the page. This displays the URL to the video. Highlight and copy the link. Alternatively, just right click on the video and then choose the option, Show Video URL. This is another method of copying the link.

Step 2

Go to the site and paste the web link there.

Step 3

Click the download button and you will have a drop-down menu with two options: download your video as an MP4 or in High Definition (HD). Choose a suitable format to save the video to your device.

Browser Extensions

Some browsers, such as Chrome, do have download extensions that you can use to download a Facebook Live Video. These extensions include Fbdownloader and Social Video Downloader, just to mention a few of them.

The trick to choosing the most suitable method to use when downloading a live video is the time it takes to do this and also the quality of the video saved. Choose a method that is best for your situation.

Wrap Up

Live Videos on Facebook are becoming a common trend lately and they are preferred because they have a larger social media following compared to YouTube. It’s common to see everything from funny cat videos to breaking news stories. Millions of people all over the world use Facebook today and everyone enjoys viewing the many videos found there.

In addition, more people are using Facebook as compared to any other social media platform. The important thing to consider is time and quality of the video. Depending on the device that you are using, you may have a number of options to choose from when downloading your video as discussed above.

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Work from Anywhere Using Microsoft Office 365 Apps

Have you ever been in a position where you are supposed to work on an assignment or important document but you forgot your laptop or cannot access your desktop? That can be frustrating, but thanks to Microsoft, as long as you can access the internet on your phone or even tablet, you can easily resume working on your assignment. Microsoft 365 is an excellent business tool that provides you with lots of options when trying to access a saved document on another device.

A closer look at Microsoft Office 365

Office 365 is Microsoft’s global offering designed to provide users with access to the company’s top-of-the-line cloud-based tools for collaboration and productivity. The service is complete with web conferencing and high definition (HD) video, calendars, business-class email, online Microsoft office suite, as well as file storage and sharing.

When you stay connected to the Microsoft Cloud, you can be sure that all programs are up-to-date and available for users on a 24/7 basis. Below is a simple outline of just a few of the Microsoft 365 apps that enable us to work from any location or device.

Using Outlook App on your phone to work on the go

When you open your Outlook Application, you will see a calendar function, a file function, and a mail function. When you tap on the calendar function, you can see how similar it is to the one that is on the desktop, which means it will be easy for you to use. The files function will help you view all recently accessed documents on OneDrive and even some of the recently shared files—very convenient!

When accessing the mail function, this is where you are able to see all files, documents, and links shared with you. You can also share a file via OneDrive.

Accessing information shared via a link

Simply click on the link and it will open into SharePoint, which will allow you to view the file. If you need to edit the file, open it in the word App and as soon as you start editing, anyone who has access to the file will see your edits right away. Such an incredible feature! This is great because, after editing, you don’t have to keep sending final copies of the same document to everyone on your team. Documents are updated in real time, which is a real time saver!

Accessing the same information on different devices

It’s frustrating to lose devices such as phones, tablets, and even your laptop. If you travel a lot, you may even damage your laptop or phone. Though this can be expensive, it’s also devastating to lose important documents. Retrieving data from a damaged phone or computer usually requires an IT expert. Data retrieval used to be such an expensive ordeal and sometimes unsuccessful. The good news is that on Microsoft 365 you don’t have to worry if you find yourself in any of the above predicaments. Here is a simple outline of how you can access your information from any device.

Open any browser and type the words, then log in. A page will come up with various Microsoft 365 Applications such as Word, Excel, Outlook, and services such as OneDrive. Click on the OneDrive service, which will immediately take you to all files located on OneDrive. You will then be able to access all files that have been saved to OneDrive.

These files are all live so this means that any changes made, such as editing by anyone on your team, will be there. You can view, share, or edit these files. Let’s say you wish to edit a file that you recently shared with someone. Just open that file and you will see an editing option on the top right. You can do all your editing in the browser. This works with all files including Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and other Microsoft applications. All updates will immediately show up on any shared documents.

There are so many other noteworthy features in Microsoft 365 that can help make your work easier. If you want to learn more about these helpful features, just visit this page:

Wrap Up

Losing or damaging your phone or laptop is always stressful, but you don’t have to lose any of your important documents when you work with Microsoft 365. You may be home sick for a few days, but you don’t necessarily have to get behind on your projects. It’s possible to work from anywhere using any device with Microsoft’s helpful range of products.

Remember that you can work from home and even share updates in real-time with your colleagues. As long as documents are stored to Microsoft’s OneDrive, they’ll always be right at your fingertips. That’s the epitome of convenience!


Microsoft Office 365

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Google Ready to Roll Out Mobile-First Indexing

For many business owners, Google’s announcement to switch over to mobile-first indexing comes as a real shocker. It’s a revolutionary thing to do in a world of disruptive technology. Since the beginning of the World Wide Web, a company’s desktop website was their first and foremost consideration when developing a marketing plan. With the new changes announced by Google, all that changes. Now, a company’s mobile website is what must be in prime condition.

Mobile SEO

For some business owners, this change will just be a bump in the road. For others, it’s a huge sinkhole where their profits could fall in and never be seen again. Many business owners still struggle to get their mobile website in excellent working order.

One business owner commented recently, “My mobile website comes up with these huge, looming images and you can’t really read much of the text.”

If this is you, then it’s time to get serious about fixing those issues. The top 5 problems that business owners face with their mobile website are:

  1. Being denied access- Users hate getting those little messages that the mobile site they’re searching for isn’t viewable on their device. Or, some say, “Mobile support coming soon.”
  2. Performance- Why can’t a mobile website just work the same as a regular one? That’s a big question with lots of answers. Sometimes the mobile device is at blame. Sometimes it’s the load speeds/internet connection.
  3. Design- Many users have landed on mobile sites where the images overlay the text, so you can’t really read anything. It’s frustrating and it usually ends with the user going someplace else to shop.
  4. URL redirects- This confounded message has been the scourge of surfing the web for many years. There are several reasons why you might get a redirect message. It could be that you typed the wrong thing in your browser. Sometimes links are broken. Other times, the website owner simply has several pages that refer to the same site and they need to do some maintenance. It can also be the result of phishing attempts.
  5. Confusing apps- There’s no excuse for this but many business owners have attempted to save money by doing it themselves or hiring a non-professional to design their app.

Why is Google Doing This?

Back in November 2016, Google announced their initial mobile-first indexing effort. They called it “an experiment” and it seemed like a good idea on the face of it. However, no business owners could foresee that the Tech Giant might eventually decide that mobile sites were more valuable than desktop sites.

The reasons they give seem pretty concrete. Almost 60 percent of all searches are performed from a mobile device now. A report from 2015, verified that 56 percent of global search queries originate from a mobile phone. Mobile traffic was responsible for about 49 percent of all website traffic according to this report.[1]

These numbers are expected to rise significantly over the next ten years. Google has a long reputation of knowing where the next big trends will take place so you can trust their word when it comes to topics like this. The only thing left to do is make sure your mobile website is amazing!

The Good News

Google has repeatedly said that they will transition into this new phase slowly. That’s the good news. All this will not take place overnight. Instead, Google will give business owners time to fix whatever they need to so their mobile site will be first-class.

The other piece of good news is that Google has assured business owners that if they do not have a mobile site, the google bots will still continue to crawl the desktop version of the site. That means your revenue stream should not decline for lack of a high-performing mobile site.

The Google announcement says, “If you only have desktop content, you will continue to be represented in our index.”

Further Clarity Needed

Google also made it clear that mobile-first indexing does not mean that there will now be two separate indexes performed. There will still be only one and it will focus on mobile sites, not desktop sites.

The reason they cite for this is:

“…To better help our primarily mobile users find what they’re looking for.”

For those who don’t know, mobile-friendliness has always been a major factor in determining how a site is ranked. Of course, it’s not the only factor, but it is still a component of ranking your website. Google is quick to point out that if a non-mobile-friendly page has the best (most relevant) information, it will still rank higher than a mobile site with similar content.

The Bottom Line

All business owners should begin to see more traffic in their logs from Googlebot Smartphone. Google search results will contain snippets that have been generated from the content on the mobile version. Though Google has historically used the desktop version of your site for its indexing purposes, times they are a’changin’.

We can either get on board with the changes or be left out in the cold. Most business owners are already hard at work making sure their mobile website is the best it can be. For those who are willing to go the extra mile, this could be a great time of increases in traffic and sales. The sites that are ready to go are the ones that consumers will flock to for all their buying needs.


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Best Email Apps For Small Business Owners Who Use iPhone

Communication is definitely made more accessible as a result of technology. Unlike previous years where people placed heavy reliance on letters and messengers, currently, people can communicate at the tap of a button. Communication is essential in any business. For people to know what is required of them in the business environment, for suppliers to know the exact quantity of products that they are required to supply, and when the supply is necessary, people need to communicate. The most successful businesses place considerable reliance on communication.

Email on Smartphone

Small businesses and especially, those that have just begun, often feel the need to use more affordable means of communication. With the availability of the internet, this is no longer a problem. The number of computers that a business purchases is directly influenced by the size and the income of the business. In this regard, therefore, small businesses may find themselves unable to purchase as many computers as they need. This is where smartphones come in.

Currently, almost everyone in the world owns a smartphone. Smartphones have made life more comfortable. They allow people to access information everywhere and at any time due to their portability. These devices are a gem to small businesses. First of all, almost every owner and employee in small companies own smartphones. People can access their emails when traveling or out working on a job.

For successful and efficient use of smartphones to access emails, small businesses must depend on reliable, practical, and affordable email applications. There are numerous applications which allow people to access their emails through mobile phones. The functionality of these applications is similar though they may provide different features. Depending on the smartphone used and the needs of the small business, smartphone users, and especially those who use iPhones, often develop preferences to specific apps over others.


This is definitely one of the most used applications. Google provides a range of services that small businesses may find attractive. The google app allowing for access to emails called Gmail. Firstly, this app is easy to use. Gmail can be used by even novices without much training. Secondly, it is fast, compared to other apps. A particularly helpful feature of the Google email service is that if you send an email by mistake, you have the option of undoing send. This definitely saves businesses embarrassment if an incorrect email is sent by mistake. The Google application is available online at the Apple store and can be downloaded free of charge.

Microsoft Outlook

This application is particularly loved by iOS users. While allowing the user to access email at his or her convenience, this app enables immediate access to emails from frequent contacts without subjecting the user to looking through other unimportant emails. It sorts out these emails for you. The app allows users access to their calendar, enabling them to mark essential days and reminders. You can set up meetings right from your phone or even attend a meeting. Like the Google app, this app is available in the Apple App store.


Though initially meant for Mac, this app is available for iPhone and iPad users. It integrates with Gmail, MS Exchange, IMAP, Yahoo!, AOL,, and Outlook. This app has exciting features including full inbox sync, interactive push notification, and snooze. It is an Apple Design Award winner.


Though not as popular as Google, Spark is a great email app for small businesses. This app group emails automatically thus enabling the user to identify the urgent emails immediately. The app is easy to use and faster than most email apps. This app may be downloaded from the App Store.

Edison Mail

This is one of the fastest email apps. It supports most email accounts including Yahoo and Hotmail and is available free in the App Store.


The primary purpose of this app is to clean up email clutter thus simplifying the process of emailing. You can download this vital app from the App Store.


Unlike other email apps, this app uses hashtags to organize emails and sort out the important ones from the less important ones. Basically, it applies hashtags as labels to messages. It also signs emails automatically. Get this efficient app from the App Store.


This app works similarly as Tinder. It allows you to sort out your emails easily by merely swiping right to keep them and left to delete them. It also sorts emails such as newsletters for you. This app is available for free in the App Store.


This app is available in the App Store. Unlike other services, it is not free but is subscription based. Its main feature is the send later which allows you to draft emails and send them to the recipient later on. It costs $50.


Controlled by an AI assistant, this app provides both email and calendar services. The Astro assistant can be asked questions and responds to numerous commands. If your business uses Slack, you can integrate with that program to send and share Slack messages. It is available free from App Store.

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Internet Security a Top Priority, Experts Claim

Experts in the tech world are giving their input on what is planned by state and local Chief Information Officers (CIOs) in terms of security for all of today’s technology. For so long, technology has existed and yet the public has taken its security for granted. But, sometime last year, giants of industry like Cisco Systems, have revealed that plans are underway to bring new and better levels of security to the cyber world. According to Britt Norwood, the head of Cisco Systems’ state, local and education sales for the western U.S., it’s time that technology had some real-life applications.[1]

Internet Security

According to Mr. Norwood, the state and local government of the future will rely heavily on technology for its management. From Smart Cities to cloud computing, innovative breakthroughs will change life as we know it. Life will become easier while access to public services will become cheaper and more readily available.

A great example is the Internet of Things. All of our medical devices and appliances are now connected via the IoT. However, these devices are extremely easy to hack and that puts consumers at risk. This reveals our ongoing need to implement stronger cybersecurity measures to protect ourselves. The government, along with the private sector now understands the importance of keeping hackers out of our systems, networks, and databases.

To address these issues, a host of new and radical changes will take place over the next few years. These include four major areas as cited below.

Adoption of the Internet of Things at Community Level

There is no doubt that IoT has had the attention of the public sector for a few years now. Informal discussions on the implementation of IoT applications by the government in delivering services to citizens have been underway. Imagine a situation where parking meters are connected and pricing on parking are determined by the time of day. Or even an application that is able to track buses in real time to give accurate information on wait-times to patrons at bus stops. This would most definitely improve the quality of services delivered to the public.

Each town and city has its own set of unique problems with delivering affordable, reliable city services. Each jurisdiction may adopt its own unique applications according to what suits them best. These applications will definitely make a positive change in the way cities and states are run. But they must include the best security to protect consumers.

Cyber Security Still a Top Priority for Governments

With technological advancement comes increased risk and vulnerability in terms of security. It is very important that the government stays on top of it. It would be of no use to continue investing in digitalization and increasing connectivity without having in place measures to address the issue of data breaches.

That is why for the last four years the National Association of State Chief Information Officers (NASCIO) in their ‘State CIO Ten Priorities for 2017’ report, ranked security and risk concern as a top priority.

According to Yejin Cooke, who is the director of government affairs for NASCIO, security and risk management are not going to lose their importance any time soon. In fact, the public is only now becoming aware of all the threats across the globe that can endanger everything from air flights to ground transportation or satellites. A society cannot operate without knowing for sure that hackers will not have access to our most important sectors.

It is vital to have well-organized and comprehensive cybersecurity plans in order to counter major attacks. Some states like California and Michigan have made milestones in terms of well-laid security plans. They are setting the pace for other states.

Uploading data to Cloud Priority

According to Chip George, NetApp’s senior director of state and local government and education for the U.S. public sector, moving data to the cloud has proven to be a way in which governments are able to deal with financial constraints and legacy technologies. A recent survey by MeriTalk found that 76% of state and local agencies are planning to increase spending on Cloud computing.[2]

State and local governments must also consider their environment so as to adopt a model that best suits them. The Cloud has three models: public, private, and hybrid. Data management can complicate issues if governments resort to relying on multiple cloud management providers.

In addition, George pointed out that, “Agencies must adopt a data fabric, so that data across all cloud environments is seamlessly integrated and managed with the same set of tools, no matter the cloud provider.”

In the future, when governments are trying to evaluate which model suits their needs, they will have to consider these and many other factors dealing with the proper implementation.

Collaboration Tools

Another mechanism that has become highly prioritized across governments is collaboration tools where centralized resources are optimized. By optimizing and centralizing technology, costs are lowered and a more streamlined cyber security platform is installed. Good collaboration tools make sense. They reduce costs. They put everyone on the same page.


Technology is here to stay, but it evolves at a rapid rate. Though this is good on some levels, when it comes to cyber security, the experts have not been able to keep up with the hackers. Cyber thieves must be stopped in order for businesses and governments to improve efficiency in service delivery, cut their costs, and protect consumers from cyber criminals.



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FBI Issues Warning

As you may be aware, the FBI issued a warning last week about a malware botnet called VPNFilter. This malware originated in Russia and attacks “consumer-grade” routers typically purchased from retailers such as Best Buy andor installed in homes by Internet Service Providers such as Spectrum, Time Warner, and Charter.


The malware has not been found to infect commercial grade routers typically installed in your business, such as those from Cisco, Fortinet, SonicWALL or others. If you or any of your staff has one of the following routers installed at home, we recommend the Internet Service Provider be contacted for guidance.

At a minimum, the router should be rebooted – and the router password should be changed to one with a fair amount of complexity. (ISP technicians have a reputation for often not changing the simple “factory default” password when they install a router.) In some cases, a router firmware upgrade may be required.

The affected routers identified so far are:

  • Linksys (Models E1200, E2500 & WRVS4400N)
  • Mikrotik Cloud Core Routers (versions 1016, 1036 & 1072)
  • Netgear (Models DGN2200, R6400, R7000, R8000, WNR1000 & WNR2000)
  • QNAP (Models TS251 & TS439 Pro)
  • QNAP NAS devices running QTS software
  • TP-Link R600VPN

While we are unable to manage the consumer-grade routers targeted in this attack, We can offer you a powerful network security appliance (router/firewall/wireless access point) that can provide commercial-grade protection at your home or office.

If you have teleworkers or executives who access your network by working from home, you should be concerned about business risks created by consumer-grade routers. A relatively inexpensive corporate or business-grade firewall is likely an appropriate solution. Please let us know if you would like more information.

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IT Helps Dementia Patients

Dementia and Alzheimer’s are scary for both patients and caregivers. Right now, there is no cure. Scientists are trying to find ways of prolonging patient’s lives and delaying the onset of the disease. IT Technicians are finding ways to make lives better and caring for patients easier. Some remarkable work is doing things for these individuals that has never been seen or done before.

Dementia Technology

First, A Word About The Disease

According to Alzheimer’s International, nearly 44 million people worldwide have Alzheimer’s or related dementia. More than 5 million American’s are living with it, and Between 2017 and 2025 every state is expected to see at least a 14% rise in the prevalence of Alzheimer’s. Those statistics are startling, especially since Alzheimer’s disease is irreversible.

Accounting for around 70 perfect of dementia cases, Alzheimer’s Disease is the most common cause of dementia, a group of brain disorders that results in the loss of intellectual and social skills. These changes are severe enough to interfere with day-to-day life. It progressively destroys the brain and ruins memory and thinking skills, and eventually the ability to carry out the simplest tasks.

A Few Other Statistics

  • In 2017, Alzheimer’s cost the United States $259 billion.
  • By 2050, costs associated with dementia could be as much as $1.1 trillion.
  • The global cost of Alzheimer’s and dementia is estimated to be $605 billion.
  • Alzheimer’s is the 6th leading cause of death in the United States.
  • Between 2017 and 2025 every state is expected to see at least a 14% rise in the prevalence of Alzheimer’s.
  • By 2050, it’s estimated there will be as many as 16 million Americans living with Alzheimer’s.
  • Every 66 seconds someone in the United States develops Alzheimer’s.
  • 1 in 3 seniors dies with some form of dementia.

Technology at its Finest

Because of these sad stats and high numbers, IT experts have come up with some amazing devices that use modern technology to aid in the care of people suffering from memory problems. Here’s a look at a few of the latest innovations.


Clocks precisely intended for those with Alzheimer’s and dementia can help ease the stress associated with day to day life. Someone who has dementia may confuse night and day so an easy to read clock can help them to better tell the time.

Medication Management

Medication management technology created high tech automated pill dispensers which beep and open to remind caregivers and those with dementia to take their medicine. Vibrating alarms on a watch have also been fashioned to remind when it’s time for a pill. This technology serves the busy caregiver well by helping them not to forget medication time as well.

Video Monitoring

Video monitoring technology supports both care recipient and caregiver, by allowing both people more freedom. The patient doesn’t feel watched constantly because loved one can spend a little time away, and loved ones get the comfort of being able to see their family even when they’re not in the same house.

GPS Location and Tracking Devices

People with Alzheimer’s or dementia may wander. Tracking devices can be worn by the person in some way and have alert systems that let a caregiver know if their loved one has left a certain area. This type of technology can also alert emergency personnel to aid in a quick recovery.

Picture Phones

Picture phones are specifically designed for people who cannot remember phone numbers. These phones have large numbers and are pre-programmable with frequently called phone numbers. Some of the phones come with clear buttons where photos can be placed so that the person can just push the button associated with the photos to call their loved one quickly.

Electrical Use Monitoring

This device monitors a patient’s use of electrical appliances. It plugs into a wall outlet or power strip and will alert caregivers if their commonly used appliances have not been turned on or off.

Wearable Cameras

Wearable cameras and augmented reality glasses could be the next big thing in helping patients. These devices can take hundreds of pictures every day from the user’s point of view logging their lives in this way.

A Village of Care

In Kitchener, Ontario, something wonderful is happening. Facilities have been designed to be less institutional-looking, friendlier and homier. “Schlegel Villages” is one of the first of its kind and is improving the quality of life for the people that live there.

One problem they deal with though is when at-risk seniors become confused and attempt to leave. According to Schlegel’s IT director, Chris Carde, “Some seniors with certain types of mental illness can remember the door-lock code to get out but can’t remember anything else. A confused senior wandering out into a southern Ontario winter can be a serious, even fatal, incident”.

Schlegel Villages is also implementing an e-health system to replace paper charts at its care facilities. Carde states, “Nurses would have to write down a patient’s vital signs, then enter them into a desktop computer some distance away. The new system, which will use iPads and iPad minis to enter health information directly into the database, is being greeted warmly by clinicians”.

Thinking Outside of the Box

A German senior center applied the idea of using fake bus stops to keep Alzheimer’s disease patients from wandering off. Because their short-term memory is not intact, but their long-term memory works fine, they know what the bus stop sign means, and they stop. It is a huge success in Germany, now they want to bring it to several clinics in North America.

A Final Word

Thanks to these researchers and IT innovators, the future is much brighter for patients with memory diseases and their families and care providers. This is just the beginning when it comes to making life easier. Information Technology has only just begun to scratch the surface of what can be done to help in the fight against dementia and Alzheimer’s.

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