We’re happy to have you as one of our valued managed services clients!

We look forward to providing you with computer, network, and general ‘how-to’ support for your business!

If something isn’t working or if you would like to make a service request – let us know! We’re here to help!

There are several ways to contact support!

Option 1: The Portal

Go to https://infinet.myportallogin.com

Select -> Sign in with Microsoft

From here you can create a new ticket, look up a ticket you have already entered, manage access to your portal and more!

You will be automatically emailed with the details of your ticket once you submit a support ticket is created.

Option 2: Email Us! [email protected]

When emailing in a support request or issue please be as descript as possible with the issue or request.

Let us know how many people are experiencing the issue.

What software or function you were trying to use when you experienced the issue

Take a screen shot of any error messages that may have shown up

Let us know the priority of the issue.

Priority 1:
  • Whole company is affected: Critical business processes are stopped
Priority 2:
  • Departments of large group of users affected: Critical to Major business processes are stopped
  • One user or a small group of users is affected: Critical to Major business processes are stopped
  • Whole Company is affected: Business is degraded, but there is a reasonable workaround
Priority 3:
  • Departments or large groups of users are affected: Business is degraded, but there is a reasonable workaround
  • One user or a small group of users is affected: Business is degraded, but there is a reasonable workaround
  • Whole company is affected: More or an irritation than a stoppage
  • Departments or large group of users are affected: More of an irritation than a stoppage
Priority 4:
  • One user or a small group of users are affected: More of an irritation than a stoppage

Once you have submitted the ticket via email, you will receive an automatic response, letting you know that we have received your support ticket.

Option 3: Call Us!


When calling in a support ticket please be as descript as possible.

Let us know how many people are experiencing the issue.

What software or function you were trying to use when you experienced the issue

Take a screen shot of any error messages that may have shown up

Let us know the priority of the issue.

Our standard business hours are 8:00 am to 5:00 pm Monday through Friday. After-hours service calls are available and are covered by an on-call technician. This may not be one of your usual technicians, however, you are in good hands; an on-call technician checks the board for on-call tickets once an hour between the hours of 6pm and 8pm during weekdays. After hours are kept on the weekend spanning from 10:00am to 8:00pm these tickets are checked hourly. As with all after-hour service, after-hour rates may apply.
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